Breakfasts For Gestational Diabetes [2022]

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Breakfasts for gestational diabetes? As breakfast during pregnancy, you can try a glass of lactose-free milk, as well as a caffeine-free coffee, whole grain cereal, toasted whole wheat bread, sugar-free cookies, among other delicious foods and foods for diabetics that can totally please you and allow you to control this temporary illness.

In this article we will show you what breakfasts you can eat with their respective combinations in case of gestational diabetes during pregnancy, since it is necessary to follow a healthy and strict diet that allows you to control sugar and glucose levels until delivery, for the good. you and the baby. 

First breakfast

If you want to start a Monday motivated to overcome the symptoms of gestational diabetes, we recommend you consume a glass of lactose-free milk with a cup of caffeine-free coffee or a cup of light or sugar-free chocolate. Add diabetic or whole grains to have a complete breakfast in the morning.

But it is also possible to eat meat, so if you fancy a piece of ham, you can cook it and put it together with a piece of wholemeal bread, in addition to complementing this dish with the fruit of your choice, be it an apple or a pear.

Second breakfast

As a second breakfast, we recommend the same glass of milk and coffee without caffeine or chocolate without sugar, but this time accompanied by a delicious wholemeal bread fresh from the toaster, to which you can add the jam of the flavor of your choice. Take care that the latter is sugar-free.

If what you want is to consume meat, consider eating a medium or small piece of the same whole wheat bread plus a duck or turkey breast, which you can accompany with a piece of the fruit of your choice and lemon juice sweetened with stevia.

What type of diet am I eating?

To manage gestational diabetes, you should eat a well-balanced diet. If your food is distributed evenly throughout the day and consistently from day to day, your blood sugar will be more stable.

Breakfast has to be the most well-prepared meal of the day. In the morning, your blood sugar levels are usually more unbalanced. Limit carbohydrates (breads, cereals, fruit, and milk) and increase protein intake to keep your levels at an acceptable level.

Third breakfast

For your third breakfast, you can choose some delicious cookies from the brand of your choice, but you must be careful that they are sugar-free. Likewise, you can accompany it with the rich and delicious light hot chocolate or a decaffeinated coffee with lactose-free milk.

Another breakfast that can be healthy for you is the consumption of wholemeal bread accompanied by tuna and a delicious fruit such as apples, strawberries, or pear. Ultimately, you can choose peaches to complement any of the parts you want to have for breakfast this day.

Frequently Asked Questions

What breakfast can I eat with gestational diabetes?

Most dietitians and hospital nutritionists would recommend one of the following as a good gestational diabetic breakfast: Weetabix, Bran flakes, All Bran, Shreddies, Shredded Wheat, Granola, No Added Sugar. Oats for muesli or porridge with semi- or skimmed milk.

Do you have to eat breakfast with gestational diabetes?

When the hormones that raise your blood glucose levels are released in the morning, blood glucose is difficult to regulate. Consider these breakfast suggestions to aid: savor a brief breakfast. Consume bread made with whole grains.

What should I eat first thing in the morning with gestational diabetes?

How much food to consume at each meal and snack
Fruit, milk, and yogurt should not be consumed during breakfast since your body is most vulnerable then.
Select whole grains over processed (white) grains, such as whole-wheat bread, brown rice, and traditional oatmeal.

What should a pregnant woman with gestational diabetes eat?

Whole fruits and veggies in plenty.
Lean proteins and good fats in moderate quantities.
moderate quantities of starchy vegetables like maize and peas together with whole grains like bread, cereal, pasta, and rice.
less sugar-rich items, such as pastries, fruit juices, and soft beverages.

Is it OK to eat oatmeal with gestational diabetes?

As long as the quantity is regulated, oatmeal has a number of health advantages and may be a fantastic go-to dish for those with diabetes. About 30 grams of carbohydrates are included in one cup of cooked oats, which may be included in a diabetic person’s balanced diet plan.

Fourth breakfast

As a fourth breakfast, we suggest you make pure orange juice without water and without any sweetener, accompanied by a piece of diabetic toast and a piece of turkey meat or ham, or otherwise fill the toast with sugar-free jam.

However, if you want to avoid consuming whole-grain bread again, this time you can choose a natural yogurt that does not contain sugar as a delicious breakfast accompanied by diabetic cereals (without sugar) or some crackers of your choice. You will certainly appreciate this delicious dish to start the morning.


You can repeat some of these breakfasts during the week, or you can choose, ultimately, other foods to eat in the morning. One of these is choosing fruits. These can be plums, grapefruit, or even make a fruit salad (salad) of all those mentioned during the article.

Finally, we remind you that breakfast is not the only important meal of the day, since having temporary or permanent diabetes means you must take care of absolutely everything you put in your mouth, including afternoon snacks or mid-morning meals. We appreciate that you were able to read and learn from our article.

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