Can You Die Of Type 2 Diabetes [2022]

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Can you die of type 2 diabetes? It’s a question that many type 2 diabetes patients ask themselves, as they clearly fear for their lives. The truth is that it is possible that you can die of diabetes, and not only that, because you should know that more than a million and a half people die from this disease every year.

In the following article, we will show you everything related to type 2 diabetes and explain in more detail if it is possible to die from this disease and what symptoms of diabetes can cause death. Continue reading for more information.

Can you die of type 2 diabetes

Is it true that type 2 diabetes can kill you? Yes, but not solely for the purpose of diabetes. Type 2 diabetes can cause a variety of symptoms, some of which can be fatal if they become too severe.

Diabetes is the seventh leading cause of death in the United States, regardless of whether it is a co-occurring disease or the cause of death itself. In fact, this disease claims the lives of just under 2 million people worldwide each year. 

Causes of type 2 diabetes

Insulin is a hormone that is produced by the body naturally. When you eat, it is produced by your pancreas and released. Insulin is a hormone that aids in the transportation of glucose from the bloodstream to cells throughout the body, where it is used for energy.

Your body becomes resistant to insulin if you have type 2 diabetes. The pancreas is forced to work harder to produce more insulin when the hormone isn’t used efficiently. This can cause harm to the organ’s cells over time. Your pancreas may stop producing insulin at some point in the future. This has the potential to put someone’s life in jeopardy.

More causes of diabetes

Glucose builds up in your bloodstream if you don’t produce enough insulin or if your body doesn’t use it properly. Your body’s cells become exhausted as a result of this. The exact cause of this chain of events is unknown to doctors.

It could be due to pancreatic cell dysfunction or signaling and regulation issues. The liver generates a lot of glucose in some people. It’s possible that type 2 diabetes has a genetic predisposition. Because of these causes, you can develop type 2 diabetes.

Type 2 diabetes symptoms

Your body can’t efficiently utilize insulin to get glucose into your cells if you have type 2 diabetes. This causes you to become reliant on alternate energy sources in your tissues, muscles, and organs, resulting in a chain reaction that may result in a wide range of symptoms.

Type 2 diabetes may take a long time to develop. At first, symptoms may seem to be minor and simple to ignore. Constant hunger, weariness, severe thirst, frequent urination, itchy skin, lack of energy, hazy eyesight, weight loss, dry mouth, and other early symptoms may occur.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do Type 2 diabetics die?

Cancer and cardiovascular illnesses are the leading causes of mortality for people with type 1 and type 2 diabetes, respectively. Cardiovascular disease, diabetic nephropathy, and retinopathy are mortality risk factors for type 1 diabetes patients. Due to the disease’s early start, patients die sooner.

How long can type 2 diabetics live?

The typical patient with type 2 diabetes was 65.4 years old, and they had 18.6 years left to live. Patients of the same age without diabetes had a predicted life expectancy of 20.3 years.

Do a lot of people die from type 2 diabetes?

With an expected 1.5 million fatalities directly related to the disease in 2019, diabetes was the tenth most common cause of death. Type 2 diabetes may be prevented or delayed by keeping a nutritious diet, engaging in regular physical exercise, maintaining a normal body weight, and abstaining from tobacco use.

Does type 2 diabetes shorten life expectancy?

You run the risk of developing certain illnesses that may shorten your life expectancy if you have type 2 diabetes. Diabetes is the seventh most prevalent cause of mortality in the US, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

How do you know when a diabetic is dying?

slimming down. weariness. Fingers and/or toes are numb. wounds that take a while to heal.

Worst symptoms

The symptoms of the condition worsen and become potentially deadly as the sickness advances.

Yeast infections, dark patches on your skin, numbness or neuropathy in your limbs, slow-healing wounds or sores, foot discomfort, and other symptoms may occur if your blood glucose levels have been high for a long period.

You should see your doctor if you experience two or more of these symptoms. Diabetes may be fatal if left untreated.


Remember to eat meals high in fiber and carbs that are good for you. Fruits, vegetables, and whole grains may help you maintain a stable blood glucose level. If you’re full or stuffed, don’t eat anything else. You can maintain a healthy heart by controlling your weight. Insulin isn’t required for everyone who has type 2 diabetes.

Your pancreas doesn’t produce enough insulin on its own, so you’ll need it. It’s critical that you follow the instructions for using your insulin. Other prescription drugs may also be beneficial. We hope you found this post informative. 

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