Does Diabetes Affect Your Sex Drive [2022]

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Does Diabetes Affect Your Sex Drive? Sexual drive, or low librido, is a serious condition that affects diabetics more than non-diabetics. Low libido also affects both men and women as a consequence of poorly controlled diabetes.

In this article we will show you everything you need to know about if Does Diabetes Affect Your Sex Drive, besides more important data about these very interesting topic. Continue reading for more information.

What is sex drive

The term “lbido” is a generic term used in medicine and psychoanalysis to describe a person’s sexual desire. As a sexual behavior, desire occupies the apetitive phase in which an individual tries to get access to a potential partner via the development of certain etological principles.

However, there are more technical definitions of the idea, such as those found in the works of Sig. Freud, or Carl Jung, which relate to psychological force or energy.

Does Diabetes Affect Your Sex Drive

Sexual drive, also known as low libido, is a serious condition that affects diabetics more than non-diabetics. Low libido also affects both men and women as a consequence of poorly controlled diabetes. If your sex desire has halted, start by addressing your diabetes and taking efforts to decrease your blood glucose levels.

Then think about your prescriptions. Certain medications, such as antidepressants, might reduce sexual desire, so speak to your doctor about it. Inflammation, according to researchers, may also reduce desire.

How affects men

Men with diabetes, particularly those with type 2 or who are overweight, or both, have nearly double the chance of low testosterone as their counterparts without the condition, according to studies, which may influence a man’s desire for sex.

Many men have a revived desire for sex after treating low testosterone with weight loss and/or testosterone treatment. Libido or sexual drive can affect both men and women in different ways.

And women…

Treatment of women is complicated too, even more. While some research suggests that testosterone would make women’s sexual desire higher, a study published in a journal of medicine found that post-menopausal women had a greater sexual appetite after taking testosterone for nearly six months, the treatment is still understudied, especially in terms of its long-term effects on women’s health.

Furthermore, specialists struggle to determine if a woman’s low libido is caused by diabetes, mental health issues, or something else entirely, since low libido affects women of all ages.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do diabetes affect sex?

Diabetic neuropathy, a type of nerve damage associated with diabetes, can cause sexual issues. Numbness, pain, or lack of feeling can also occur in the genitals. This can lead to erectile dysfunction (ED). Neuropathy may also inhibit orgasm or make it difficult to feel sexual stimulation.

Can a diabetic man get a hard on?

Diabetes can damage the blood vessels and nerves that control erection. Therefore, even if you have normal amounts of male hormones and you have the desire to have sex, you still may not be able to achieve a firm erection.

How can men with diabetes have sex?

Using an insulin pump

Some people with diabetes wear a small pump that supplies insulin to the body. This helps them maintain their sugar levels and may enable them to enjoy sex more spontaneously. A person may feel self-conscious about wearing the pump during sex or afraid that it may detach.

Can diabetes stop you from ejaculating?

Rarely, diabetes can cause retrograde ejaculation link, which is when part or all of your semen goes into your bladder instead of out of your penis during ejaculation.

What causes low sex drive?

Causes of a low sex drive

relationship problems. stress, anxiety or depression. sexual problems like erectile dysfunction or vaginal dryness. pregnancy and having a baby – your hormone levels change when you’re pregnant, and looking after a baby can be stressful and tiring.

What to do

So it’s possible that your sex life isn’t quite where it should be. You’ve already won half the fight if you can acknowledge that to your health care practitioner. Getting your blood glucose into the desired range may help you improve your sexual dysfunction, depending on the severity of your problem.

Even if the effects are too severe to be reversed with improved diabetes control alone, maintaining a healthy blood glucose level may help avoid future harm. Another piece of advice is to give up smoking. It’s connected to sexual issues, and it’s terrible for your overall health.


Does Diabetes Affect Your Sex Drive? Finally, think about changing your way of life. The whole body, not just your nether regions, will benefit from properly managing your diabetes, which includes consuming good meals, exercising frequently, and minimizing stress.

A healthy sex life is almost certainly linked to greater health. We hope that what you learned today in this article has been useful to you in order to expose how diabetes can appear in your body and what exactly causes it because of low libido. Thank you for reading this article and see you in the next post.

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