Can An Adult Develop Type 1 Diabetes [2022]

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Can An Adult Develop Type 1 Diabetes? Diabetes is a disorder in which the body’s glucose levels in the blood cannot be controlled. Of course, excesive sugar would affect you, no matter where it be.

In this article we will show you everything you need to know about if Can An Adult Develop Type 1 Diabetes, besides more important data about these very interesting topic and its consequences. Continue reading for more information.

What is type 1 diabetes

When you have type one diabetes, your immune system destroys cells that produce insulin in your pancreas. Beta cells are the cells that make up the immune system of the body. The term “juvenile diabetes” refers to diabetes that is most often diagnosed in children and teens.

 Secondary diabetes is identical to type 1 diabetes, except that something other than your immune system destroys your beta cells, such as an illness or a pancreatic injury. Both of these disorders are separate from type 2 diabetes, which is caused by your body’s inability to effectively respond to insulin.

Can An Adult Develop Type 1 Diabetes

Type one diabetes is most often diagnosed in children, adolescents, and young adults, although it may strike anybody at any age. Type one diabetes is less frequent than type 2 diabetes, accounting for around 5-10% of diabetics.

No one knows how to avoid type one diabetes at this time, but it can be controlled by following your doctor’s instructions for living a healthy lifestyle, controlling your blood sugar, having regular health checks, and receiving diabetes self-management education and support.

What are the causes

Type one diabetes is considered to be caused by an autoimmune response (when the body accidentally fights itself) that kills the beta cells in the pancreas, which produce insulin. Before any symptoms develop, this process might carry on for months or even years.

Some individuals have genes (characteristics handed down from parents to children) that make them more likely to acquire type one diabetes, while many people who have the genes will not develop type one diabetes. It’s also suggested that being exposed to a trigger in the environment, like as a virus, has a role in the development of type one diabetes. Type one diabetes is not caused by diet or lifestyle choices.

Risks and symptoms

Type one diabetes is considered to be caused by an autoimmune response (when the body accidentally fights itself) that kills the beta cells in the pancreas, which produce insulin. Before any symptoms develop, this process might carry on for months or even years.

Some individuals have genes (characteristics handed down from parents to children) that make them more likely to acquire type one diabetes, while many people who have the genes will not develop type one diabetes. It’s also suggested that being exposed to a trigger in the environment, like as a virus, has a role in the development of type one diabetes. Type one diabetes is not caused by diet or lifestyle choices.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can a person develop type 1 diabetes later in life?

Different factors, such as genetics and some viruses, may cause type 1 diabetes. Although type 1 diabetes usually appears during childhood or adolescence, it can develop in adults.

Can type 1 diabetes come on suddenly in adults?

In people with type 1 diabetes, the onset of symptoms can be very sudden, while in type 2 diabetes, they tend to come about more gradually, and sometimes there are no signs at all. Symptoms sometimes occur after a viral illness.

What can cause type 1 diabetes in adults?

What causes type 1 diabetes? Type 1 diabetes occurs when your immune system, the body’s system for fighting infection, attacks and destroys the insulin-producing beta cells of the pancreas. Scientists think type 1 diabetes is caused by genes and environmental factors, such as viruses, that might trigger the disease.

What are the symptoms of type 1 diabetes in adults?

Other symptoms of type 1 diabetes in adults

Other diabetic symptoms in adults include feeling drowsy or lethargic; sudden vision changes; fruity or sweet-smelling breath; heavy or labored breathing; and stupor or unconsciousness.

How long can you have type 1 diabetes without knowing it?

It can take months or years before symptoms of type 1 diabetes are noticed. Type 1 diabetes symptoms can develop in just a few weeks or months. Once symptoms appear, they can be severe. Some type 1 diabetes symptoms are similar to symptoms of other health conditions.

How to treat diabetes

Diabetes is handled mostly by yourself, with assistance from your health care team (including your primary care physician, foot doctor, dentist, eye doctor, registered dietitian nutritionist, diabetes educator, and pharmacist), family, teachers, and other key persons in your life. Diabetes management might be difficult, but whatever you do to enhance your health is worthwhile.

If you have type one diabetes, you’ll need to take insulin injections every day to keep your blood sugar levels stable and get the energy your body needs. Insulin cannot be taken as a pill because stomach acid would destroy it before it reached your bloodstream. Your doctor and you will decide on the optimum insulin type and dosage for you.


Can An Adult Develop Type 1 Diabetes? You’ve learned that when a glucose disorder is uncontrollable and blood sugar levels rise sharply for adult people, it means you’re developing diabetes and it may affect your health.

We hope that what you learned today in this article has been useful to you in order to expose how diabetes can appear in your body and what exactly causes it. Thank you for reading this article and see you in the next post.

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