Grits Good For Diabetes [2022]

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Grits Good For Diabetes? Grits are a creamy corn-based meal from the South. They’re heavy in carbohydrates and may raise blood sugar, but if you have diabetes, you can consume them in moderation. Simply combine this delicious porridge with nutritious, low-carb foods wherever feasible, and use less processed, stone-ground versions.

In this article, we will show you everything you need to know about grits good for diabetes, besides being able to know all the characteristics of this rich food. Continue reading for more information.

What are grits

Before knowing how good or bad this food is for a diabetic person, it would be great to know what grits are specifically. Grits are a creamy, thick porridge prepared with hot water, milk, or broth and formed from dried, crushed grain.

They’re popular in the southern United States, and they’re usually eaten with breakfast. You may be wondering whether grits are suitable for a diabetes-friendly diet due to their high carb content. Whether you have diabetes, this page will inform you if you can eat grits.


Grits have a lot of carbohydrates for they are manufactured from maize, a starchy crop. Cooked grits include 24 grams of carbohydrates per cup (242 gr). Carbs broke down into sugars in your bloodstream and this happens during digestion. Insulin also eliminates all of these sugars, and allowes them to be utilised based on energy.

People that have diabetes, on the other hand, may not make or react adequately to insulin and may have potentially severe blood sugar rises after consuming a high carbohydrate diet. As a result, they should restrict their intake of high-carb foods and strive for meals that are balanced in terms of carbohydrates, protein, and fat.

Grits Good For Diabetes

Grits are a creamy corn-based meal from the South. They’re heavy in carbohydrates and may raise blood sugar, but if you have diabetes, you can consume them in moderation. Simply combine this delicious porridge with nutritious, low-carb foods wherever feasible, and use less processed, stone-ground versions.

You may eat grits, but you must be wise about it and limit your intake while balancing it with other carbohydrates, fats, and proteins to lessen the grits’ impact on your blood sugar. When determining whether or not to consume grits, you must also examine the technique of preparation.

A good diet with grits

Grits may be part of a balanced, diabetes-friendly diet if cooked properly. Stone-ground grits are preferable since they contain more fiber and are less prone to cause blood sugar spikes. You can purchase this kind online if you can’t locate it in your local shop.

It’s also crucial to make your grits using water or broth rather than milk and cheese. While these dairy products are popular additions, they significantly increase carbohydrate levels. Spices like garlic may still be used to make a tasty meal.

Frequently Asked Questions

Grits vs oatmeal for diabetics?

The experts at Harvard Health Publishing recommend choosing whole grains over grits. Whole oats, whole wheat and other unprocessed grains are higher in fiber and have a lower glycemic index compared to this Southern dish.

What is the best breakfast for a diabetic to eat?

10 Best Breakfast Foods for People with Diabetes
Eggs. Eggs are delicious, versatile, and a great breakfast choice for people with diabetes.
Greek yogurt with berries.
Overnight chia seed pudding.
Multigrain avocado toast.
Low carb smoothies.
Wheat bran cereal.
Cottage cheese, fruit, and nut bowl.

Can a diabetic eat oatmeal?

Oatmeal offers a host of health benefits and can be a great go-to food for those with diabetes, as long as the portion is controlled. One cup of cooked oatmeal contains approximately 30 grams of carbs, which can fit into a healthy meal plan for people with diabetes.

Are eggs good for diabetics?

Protein-rich foods like eggs can play an important role in regulating blood sugar levels for people with diabetes. Plus, eggs contain many essential vitamins and minerals, and have just 80 calories each.

Is corn good for diabetics?

Can you eat corn if you have diabetes? Yes, you can eat corn if you have diabetes. Corn is a source of energy, vitamins, minerals, and fiber. It’s also low in sodium and fat.

Keep in mind

The way grits are prepared has an impact on blood sugar levels. Fiber, an indigestible carb that goes through your body slowly and helps decrease blood sugar, varies amongst grits products. If you have diabetes, the more fibrous your grits are, the better. Grits come in a variety of forms, including:

Stone-ground: formed from coarsely ground entire corn kernels.

Hominy is made by grinding maize kernels that have been steeped in an alkali solution to remove the outer shell.


Grits Good For Diabetes? We hope that what you learned on this subject in the previous post will be of great help to you or your family in the event that one of you presents this definitive disease.

Always remember to visit the doctor constantly in order to be aware of your health and your sugar levels, since as you learned in this article, the circulatory system is greatly affected by diabetes and its related diseases and symptoms.

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